Enriching lives through dance, together.

Each year, the most wonderful and generous individuals gift pointe shoes, fund the creation of new works, support the health and wellbeing of the dancers and partner with us to deliver access and outreach programs across the state.

2024 Annual Appeal
Donations contribute 14% to our income - every donation makes an impact. Partner with us to enrich lives through dance by making a tax-deductible gift to your State Ballet Company.

The West Australian Ballet Endowment
If your life has been enriched by your experiences in ballet, you can connect your legacy with this beautiful art-form.
When you make a gift to the Endowment or pledge a Gift in your Will, you are making a gift to the future of the Company and the future of ballet in our State.
Discuss your support and impact today by calling the Philanthropy team on (08) 9214 0752 or by sending them an email.